Qualizant Pvt Ltd

We Promise Quality Software - Qualizant

A multinational corporation (MNC) is a company that has business operations in at least one country other than its home country. By some definitions, it also generates at least 25% of its revenue outside of its home country.MNCs provide a means of co-operation between developed countries and developing or underdeveloped countries. This allows both to benefit from the partnership. And these multinational corporations also help promote bilateral trade relations between countries


We promise you quality softwares

One step at a time, We will reach my destination. Another day; another step.


Qualizant Pvt Ltd

Founder- Mohd Shakeel

Unity always wins, learn to live in unity. Unity has no place for weakness and fear. Unity removes fear and gives strength to face problems. Unity has enough power to defeat problems.


Qualizant Pvt Ltd

Founder- Mohd Shakeel

Unity always wins, learn to live in unity. Unity has no place for weakness and fear. Unity removes fear and gives strength to face problems. Unity has enough power to defeat problems.


Qualizant Pvt Ltd

Founder- Mohd Shakeel

Unity always wins, learn to live in unity. Unity has no place for weakness and fear. Unity removes fear and gives strength to face problems. Unity has enough power to defeat problems.


Qualizant Pvt Ltd

Founder- Mohd Shakeel

Unity always wins, learn to live in unity. Unity has no place for weakness and fear. Unity removes fear and gives strength to face problems. Unity has enough power to defeat problems.


Qualizant Pvt Ltd

Founder- Mohd Shakeel

Unity always wins, learn to live in unity. Unity has no place for weakness and fear. Unity removes fear and gives strength to face problems. Unity has enough power to defeat problems.


Qualizant Pvt Ltd

Founder- Mohd Shakeel

Unity always wins, learn to live in unity. Unity has no place for weakness and fear. Unity removes fear and gives strength to face problems. Unity has enough power to defeat problems.

Some stats of our company

It will help you to know about us and give you better idea, how we do our work








Countries where we operate
